I'm going to go ahead and warn you now that this is going to be a little out of order, but I just cannot get over the fact that our little girl is now 2 months old! It does not seem possible. Me and Devanee took her to the doctor for her two month checkup last week. Jaycee had to get 4 shots! (yikes!) I was so nervous about her shots, but she only cried for a minute and was fine, but it was the first time I had ever seen teardrops come out of her eyes so I pretty much wanted to cry because I know they must have hurt. The poor thing. I'm happy to say that Miss Jaycee is growing great and now weighs almost 10 pounds and is 23 inches long!
Devanee giving Jaycee a kiss after her long day. See her war wound on her leg. Hehe she got "The Hulk" bandaids. (too cute!)
Last weekend us and Jaycee went to our friends, Jordan and Erin's, engagement party. They are getting married in Jamaca next week and we unfortunately will not be able to make that trip. Jaycee was such a party animal and was completely worn out by the time we got home. She stayed awake the entire time, I think she was afraid she'd miss something.
Here are just a few of her 2 month pictures that I took last week. I'm afraid the poor child is going to have no memories of her first two months of life. Lol.
Sorry but I just had to put all these pictures on here. She is just too adorable not to.
I was so sad that she was not a fan of be stuck in a flower pot because I just know they could have made the cutest pictures ever. She still looks pretty cute though even if she isn't smiling.
This is where this post gets so out of order. At the very first of the month our cousins, Kyle & Courtney, and their daughter, Leighton, got to some in for a visit. Leighton was so sweet with Jaycee. She wanted to give her kisses.
Shane also was able to come in and it was so nice to get to see all of them since we never get to see them. We're missing Elliott, Cherry, & Lofton but at least we get to see them in a couple weeks :)
The first weekend in the month Jaycee got to go to her first wedding of our friends, Kris & Tonya.
Family photo at the wedding. It was so hot that day, I think Jaycee was miserable, but it was a beautiful wedding.
Justin with Jaycee on the 4th of July!
We had a cookout at our house for the 4th of July and Jaycee had her first horrible night. I guess I must have ate something she did not like the night before because she just cried and screamed ad screamed for hours. I did not know what to do and I felt ssooooo bad for her. It was horrible. She had never had a night like that or ever acted anything like that before. We have been so lucky she has just been the best baby ever. We finally gave her bath and got her to go to bed and amazingly she just slept fine. But it was the cutest thing ever...Breely was holding Jaycee's hand while she was crying laying beside her. It was so sweet.

But as Jaycee has not acted like that since. She has really been such a happy little baby lately and having lots of smiles! She has been sleeping through the night for about two weeks now, which is so nice! She is also more active, alert, and awake more during the day. It is just so much fun to watch her grow and change each day, but also sad because I'm not sure I want her to grow up so fast!
Sorry this post was so long too. I'll really try not to let it get so long and out of control next time :)