Thursday, November 29, 2012

1.5 Years Old

I am finally posting Jaycee's 18 month update.  I finally got her pictures taken which I think turned out great. She is so hard to take pictures of now because she is just way too busy.  Once in a while she wants to take pictures especially from the phone and says "cheese". It's so cute.

At 1.5 years old:

Jaycee has turned into to quite the "mother" figure. She feeds, cleans, covers up, and cares or her Moo and other stuffed animals. It is so cute.  Oh yeah and I caught her pretend feeding Griengo the other night.  She gets out plastic bowls/cups and pretend empties baby food into them. Then gets a spoon, usually a measuring spoon, out and feeds everything. She gets blankets or usually dish towels out of the kitchen to cover up all her animals. She shares her sippy with them and yesterday she brought me a diaper for Moo.  It is so cute to see how she already has an imagination and motherly instinct.  Hopefully it sticks around for when baby sister arrives. 

Jaycee talks in Chinese still. Although everyday her vocabulary is improving some. 

She brings me diapers and wipes when she needs them so we are hopefully going to begin potty training soon.  I do not want to be changing two diapers for long! 

Jaycee knows many animal noises or at least has what she thinks they say.  Cow=moo, puppy=woof woof woof woof, snake="sssssss"(my favorite), sheep=baa(only one short baa), pig=a clicking tongue noise(no idea where that came from), horse=kind of a neigh(at least it's not moo anymore), monkey=ahh ahh, owl=high pitch hoo hoo, chicken=bock bock.  We are still working on lion and kitty currently so I'm sure soon she'll have them down. 

Jaycee eats with a fork every meal, but only takes a fourth of her bites off it.  Not great with a spoon still.

Has popped Three of the teeth in front of her molars in finally. Just waiting on one more and then we'll be on to the 2 yr molars. 

Weighs 20 lbs 3 oz - 18%, 32 in tall - 58%. She went up in percentiles in both, yay. All her pants are too short but too big at the same time.

Can now drive her tractor just not steer it. She steps on the gas but will not hold on to the steering wheel. She just waits til she runs into something. 

Favorite TV show: The Voice

LOVES to dance! She claps and stomps her foot and twirls.

Can count to 3. Rarely says one but will say two and three most the time.

Favorite song: Little Bunny Foo Foo.  Loves to "bop them on the head"

Sleeps in a toddler bed now and loves it! She goes to bed when she's tired.

Loves to wave and say Bye to everything including any vehicle that drives by or we pass.

Now sucks her fingers and wants to hold my ear or baby Rhyton's ear when she's tired

Obsessed with kissing and hugging babies and kids

Can finally blow kisses

Tractors, cows, rocks, babies, and water are her favorite things.

Sorry this is so long, but I want to remember these things! 
Also Sorry all the pictures posted at the end intstead of throughout.  I'm not sure what happened.

"Mom, really?!"

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fall Happenings

 Wow I feel like I am so far behind.  I'm sorry but I am warning you now that this post is going to be lengthy.  I'll try to keep it as short as possible and just do lots of pictures.
First of all, in the middle of October Uncle Bruce, Aunt Roxanne, Cherry, Lofton, and Adler got to come down.  We were so excited to get to see them; first of all because we miss them greatly! and Second because we had never even met Mr. Adler.
Jaycee getting acquainted with Adler

Jaycee doing what she loves - reading a book with Uncle Bruce
(Sorry I forgot to remove red eye)
 Checking out Jaycee's backhoe
 Adler loved it!
 The girls and kids with Grandma
 Jaycee loving the camera
 Hanging out with Lofton

 Giving hugs to Braid
 Silly girls

 Loving chasing the big kids around!
Loved her crazy expression with Aunt Roxanne

Justin just got signed off to be able to fly this plane called a Super Cruiser.  It is super cool.  It has a top speed of around 90 mph so it is pretty slow and you can cruise around just about anywhere and land in fields and pretty much anywhere.  Justin took me and Jaycee flying the other day and Jaycee got to see "Moos" and she even recognized "Na-na-na's" house from the air.  She's very observant.
Jaycee helping Daddy push the plane back in the hangar.

 Jaycee & Daddy
 Waving Bye to a plane taking off.  She's so silly.  She loves to wave and say Bye to almost everything.
At the end of October, it was finally time to cut our Milo.  Me and Jaycee got to go "help" for a little while.
 Jaycee driving the combine with Daddy.  Ok maybe just making sure she turned the blinker on for every turn around. Haha
 Jaycee and Daddy pretty excited!
 Then it was time for Halloween.  Jaycee was a Moo for Halloween this year and I think she made the cutest Moo ever although she really wanted to be a Brangus Moo instead.

 The first night we went to Grandma Kay's, Grumps and Nonni's, and saw Granny & Papaw.  The next night we went to Tommy & Kay's, Grandma Cherry, and Pappy's.  We didn't make it to very many places and that was enough.  It is hard work to trick-or-treat, they get tired too quick!

 Family pic and the only "bump picture" I have - 20 weeks.

Princess Reece came trick-or-treating at Nonni's at the same time.
 Then cousin Addison came by too.
 We did make it to the corn maze in Clovis one night.  Little did we know that we should have went during the daytime for a one year old.  I did take her back the next week and she had fun.  I'll do another post about that later.
Daddy & Jaycee looking cute!
 Fascinated by the chicken puppet show.
Again I apologize for such a long post, but I had to include everything.  I have to make a post on the asap to update what all Jaycee is doing now because she is so funny and cute and I do not want to forget all the things she does so be expecting 18 month pictures and cute things she does soon.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Midland Air Show & Catch-up

Sorry for blogging twice in one day, but I didn't one them to all be on the same post plus I'm trying to catch up on our lives from the past month.
A week and a half ago we decided to go to Midland to the air show and visit some of our friends.  So we jumped in the plane with Uncle Jake and flew down there real quick.

Jaycee wearing headsets for the first time.  She loved them!  She loved being able to hear Daddy & Uncle Jake talk on the radio.
We stayed with some friends, Jordan & Erin, and finally go to meet their sweet girl, Brooklyn.
 I couldn't believe I forgot my real camera, but luckily I at least had my little camera.  There were several cool airplanes.  This was everyone's favorite.
 Jaycee & Brooklyn enjoying the airplanes and noise.
 Jaycee giving Brooklyn a kiss.  Giving kisses is her new favorite thing.  It is so cute!
 The Tora-tora show.  It was not quite as cool as I thought it would be, but it was still pretty neat.  They had "bombs" going off on the ground (black smoke part) and the American was chasing the Japenese planes.  (I'm pretty sure that was what was going on...)
The Tora-Tora planes lined up beside us.
 Jaycee and Daddy
 Planes in the background stolen from Uncle Jake.  Sorry no pictures with Mommy or Uncle Jake, but there is proof that Jaycee and Daddy were there.

 I apologize now for the rest of this blog.  I uploaded all the pictures off my phone on here and wanted to include what Jaycee has been doing for the past month.
 Jaycee is very into wearing jewelry
Jaycee is a clean freak.  She loves to help clean with Momma.  She's cleaning windows here, but she also likes to sweep, swiffer, and put things up and put them up neatly.
 Today I finally was able to do pigtails and they were so cute!
 Jaycee loves wearing sunglasses most the time.
 Jaycee on a horse, Baby, for the first time.
 Jaycee may be a clean person, but she LOVES to play in the toilet! Ugh, but it was pretty funny to see her trying to get all her toys out in a hurry when she heard Momma coming.