I still cannot believe that Jaycee is a One Year Old! And I apologize for just now getting her 12 month/1 year update done. As most everyone knows, it has been a little hectic lately in our lives. We finally finished baling wheat hay and have a little bity break before we do some oats. Justin has been busy planting haygrazer and sorghum silage though. On top of all that my dad got bit by a rattlesnake so we were busy with that since Saturday. For anyone who does not know, he is great now and will be going home today. His little finger, where he got bit, is purple and a little swollen but other than that he seems to be great! That is such a relief. We've seen a lot of snakes lately so it's kind of scary!
Here is my attempt to do Jaycee's one year pictures. Don't worry I'll be doing some more when I get time. It is a lot harder to take her picture now than it used to be!
At One Year Old, Jaycee:
-Loves to be outside!
-Likes to pull up my flowers
-Likes to play in the dog's water
-Still likes all food
-Wants to only feed herself and does not like you to feed her
-Is only drinking from a sippy cup all day now
-Starting to drink water and whole milk better (before she hated them)
-Unfortunately still has her pacifier for car rides and night (& sometimes in public)
-Has 7 teeth but has an 8th one trying to come in
-Growing through growth spurt at the moment. She's getting tall and skinnier
-Starting to get somewhat attached to her stuffed cow
-Has a forward facing carseat and LOVES it! She puts her leg up on the arm rest its so cute. And already has learned how to put her cup in her cup holder.
-Only words added to her vocabulary is: Moooooo & Outside
-Likes to climb in her size of chairs
-Still not walking but can walk along things and with your hands
-Still sleeping the same and even lately wanting 3 naps a day instead of 2
-Likes to get things out of the dryer and put back into the washer
-In size 3 shoe but her foot is really skinny so she only has one pair of shoes that fit - her moccasins
-In size 6-9 month clothes and a few 12 month clothes like her pajamas or one pieces
-Laughs & Smiles with her mouth wide open
-Says "huh" A LOT! Just about everytime you tell her to do something or she says "Now?" when you say "come here"...it was cute at first, but now its like really? Just come here!
Hopefully I'll get some more pictures taken soon and get up here. Everyone watch for snakes!!
Weekly Meal Plan 3-9-25
1 day ago