Sorry for blogging twice in one day, but I didn't one them to all be on the same post plus I'm trying to catch up on our lives from the past month.
A week and a half ago we decided to go to Midland to the air show and visit some of our friends. So we jumped in the plane with Uncle Jake and flew down there real quick.

Jaycee wearing headsets for the first time. She loved them! She loved being able to hear Daddy & Uncle Jake talk on the radio.

We stayed with some friends, Jordan & Erin, and finally go to meet their sweet girl, Brooklyn.
I couldn't believe I forgot my real camera, but luckily I at least had my little camera. There were several cool airplanes. This was everyone's favorite.
Jaycee & Brooklyn enjoying the airplanes and noise.
Jaycee giving Brooklyn a kiss. Giving kisses is her new favorite thing. It is so cute!
The Tora-tora show. It was not quite as cool as I thought it would be, but it was still pretty neat. They had "bombs" going off on the ground (black smoke part) and the American was chasing the Japenese planes. (I'm pretty sure that was what was going on...)
The Tora-Tora planes lined up beside us.
Jaycee and Daddy
Planes in the background stolen from Uncle Jake. Sorry no pictures with Mommy or Uncle Jake, but there is proof that Jaycee and Daddy were there.
I apologize now for the rest of this blog. I uploaded all the pictures off my phone on here and wanted to include what Jaycee has been doing for the past month.
Jaycee is very into wearing jewelry
Jaycee is a clean freak. She loves to help clean with Momma. She's cleaning windows here, but she also likes to sweep, swiffer, and put things up and put them up neatly.
Today I finally was able to do pigtails and they were so cute!
Jaycee loves wearing sunglasses most the time.
Jaycee on a horse, Baby, for the first time.
Jaycee may be a clean person, but she LOVES to play in the toilet! Ugh, but it was pretty funny to see her trying to get all her toys out in a hurry when she heard Momma coming.