Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Midland Air Show & Catch-up

Sorry for blogging twice in one day, but I didn't one them to all be on the same post plus I'm trying to catch up on our lives from the past month.
A week and a half ago we decided to go to Midland to the air show and visit some of our friends.  So we jumped in the plane with Uncle Jake and flew down there real quick.

Jaycee wearing headsets for the first time.  She loved them!  She loved being able to hear Daddy & Uncle Jake talk on the radio.
We stayed with some friends, Jordan & Erin, and finally go to meet their sweet girl, Brooklyn.
 I couldn't believe I forgot my real camera, but luckily I at least had my little camera.  There were several cool airplanes.  This was everyone's favorite.
 Jaycee & Brooklyn enjoying the airplanes and noise.
 Jaycee giving Brooklyn a kiss.  Giving kisses is her new favorite thing.  It is so cute!
 The Tora-tora show.  It was not quite as cool as I thought it would be, but it was still pretty neat.  They had "bombs" going off on the ground (black smoke part) and the American was chasing the Japenese planes.  (I'm pretty sure that was what was going on...)
The Tora-Tora planes lined up beside us.
 Jaycee and Daddy
 Planes in the background stolen from Uncle Jake.  Sorry no pictures with Mommy or Uncle Jake, but there is proof that Jaycee and Daddy were there.

 I apologize now for the rest of this blog.  I uploaded all the pictures off my phone on here and wanted to include what Jaycee has been doing for the past month.
 Jaycee is very into wearing jewelry
Jaycee is a clean freak.  She loves to help clean with Momma.  She's cleaning windows here, but she also likes to sweep, swiffer, and put things up and put them up neatly.
 Today I finally was able to do pigtails and they were so cute!
 Jaycee loves wearing sunglasses most the time.
 Jaycee on a horse, Baby, for the first time.
 Jaycee may be a clean person, but she LOVES to play in the toilet! Ugh, but it was pretty funny to see her trying to get all her toys out in a hurry when she heard Momma coming.

Pumpkin Patch - Round 2

A couple weeks ago Nonni had Reese and well I had wanted a few more pumpkins so we had an excuse to go to the pumpkin patch again.  Jaycee and Reese had lots of fun picking pumpkins in the wind.

 I never could get a good picture of the two of them, but we still got some cute ones.
 Reese being a cheeser
 Jaycee being a silly goose

 So excited for her pumpkin

Reese with the "perfect pumpkin"

 Reese giving Jaycee her size pumpkin.
 The girls with their pumpkins

We had lots of fun picking pumpkins again.  And Mommy sure enjoyed getting more that she could decorate her house with.  

Friday, October 5, 2012

16 1/2 months!

Today me and Jaycee went and picked pumpkins.  By we, I mean I picked pumpkins and Jaycee tried each one out to see which one made the best seat.  I love getting to decorate for fall.  The past couple of weeks have been crazy for us so I haven't got to decorate too much and I just now am going and picking pumpkins.  Within the past couple weeks I have been helping rake, bale, plant wheat, etc. so Jaycee has had to go to a babysitter.  I was quite devastated at first, but then I realized she has the absolute best babysitter in the world and Jaycee loves it so I guess it is all okay for now until we slow down again.  Our friend Jerrica has been keeping Jaycee and she has a two month old little boy.  It has been great for Jaycee to be around a baby since before she hated me holding one and she is going to have a little brother or sister soon.  Jaycee has not cried once when I have left her and every time I've ever left her with anyone she usually cries, so I take that as a really good sign.  Anyways I won't bore you with all that and we'll get straight to all the pictures.
Jaycee sitting on some pumpkins.

Clapping in excitement.  She has started do that a lot lately.  Ex. every time she sees Daddy or a tractor she starts clapping.
 Just a cute picture in our yard
 Today Jaycee got to go with me to feed the Moos.  Since she was all dressed up and we had time we took some pictures.
 We had to find Black Beauty so we could pet a Moo.  Black Beauty was my very first Brangus heifer I bought and showed.  Yes she is getting very old and I'm not sure how much longer she is going to stick around, but she is the sweetest cow and only one that Jaycee can pet and that I trust.
Jaycee clapping in excitement to be that close to the Moo.
 Just so excited we can't stand it!
 Jaycee wasn't quite sure she wanted her to actually lick her
 Jaycee picked up a piece of cake to feed her

 Not much makes Jaycee happier than Moos, tractors, or her Daddy.
 I really didn't intend for Jaycee to just walk up that close to her foot and pet her, but she did before I ever knew it.
 Decided it was cool for the Moo to eat out of her hand
 Black Beauty grabbing that piece of cake and Jaycee did get a little dirty after that one, but oh well clothes and faces wash.
 One last pet before we had to leave.
 I really hope Black Beauty either gets to live for a while or we get Jaycee's heifer tamed down this good because there is nothing sweeter than seeing Jaycee get so excited to pet and be around the Moos.