Monday, December 21, 2009

One down...

Christmas time is officially here! This weekend we had Christmas at Granny and PaPaw's (Justin's grandparents). It was a lot of fun we got to spend a lot of time with all the family and kids, eating a lot, and a fun round of chinese Christmas.

A cute picture of the little ones playing with new toys with Granny and Ryan trying out Shanna's new robe.
We were sad we missed getting to see our cousins and the new babies at Oklahoma at Garrett's wedding, but maybe we'll just have to make a special trip to Nashville and get to see them sometime!
We still have a few more Christmas's to go to this year, we just barely got started. Christmas eve morning we are having Christmas with Pat and Donna. Then that night we have Christmas at Grandma Kay's (Justins other grandma) and also Christmas at Erith and Charolette's (my mom's side of the family). Christmas eve is going to be very interesting especially that night to figure out how we are going to plan all that. Then Christmas morning we get to have Christmas with my dad and sister and then that night have Christmas at Bruce and Roxanne's. Whew I got to take a breath now. Needless to say we are going to be Christmased out by December 26, but we can't wait. We're excited and even ready. We have all the gifts bought and they are wrapped and under the tree! I love wrapping gifts so I pretty much get them wrapped pretty quick after they were I forgot to get a tree skirt so I had to do something so nobody would notice hehe.
For the past two months I have been working on our guestroom getting it painted and decorated. I know it shouldn't take 2 months to do that but it was always so easy to just shut the door and walk off when I got tired since I didn't have to look at that room everyday. This is how it turned out.
I now love this room and really should have worked on some other rooms first like ours or the living room but oh well.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hello December!

Wow it is Decembter 1st, now where did November go?? It seemed like November just flew by. We have been ssooooo busy. This is what November was like for us. We got in, processed, and turned out about a thousand head of wheat pasture cattle all while we were still baling haygrazer and going to school. So needless to say we have not had much time for anything. Justin has been super busy with the cattle and I help him every once in a while. I think we are slowing down though. We are through getting cattle in so now they just have to be checked everyday. We finally got done baling hay friday...hallelujah!
We had a great thanksgiving! We ate way to much but then again thats the way it's supposed to be. We got to have thanksgiving with all out family which is such a blessing.
Some time in between there Justin got to go to a calf roping in Amarillo. He had not roped in almost a year so it was great for him to actually get to do what he loves! He did pretty good he caught and tied every one of his calves. Sorry I videoed his runs so I do not have any actual pictures of him roping just of him there.
Last week over Thanksgiving break I went to the movies with the girls and saw The Blind Side. That was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time! I highly recommend everyone to see it. I decided that Sandra Bullock in that movie is now my new hero and I really do hope that I can be like her, she had such a role of an amazing person.
Now it is December 1st and today I got my tree put up and decorated! I am so excited! I have been waiting all year for Christmas! I love it. I was so excited to get our own tree and decorate it for our first Christmas together. Now we just have to get our Christmas card picture taken...I feel like we're behind because I am ready to send out cards now!!
Griengo and Lexi are excited for Christmas too!
Well I hope December doesn't fly by like November, but I have alot of things to do today so that is it for my blog today...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Weekend Getaway

Last week it rained a lot here. We got like 2 inches so needless to say everything was really wet around here. We decided to go somewhere for the weekend while we could cuz who knows when we'll get the chance again. So we went with a couple, Caleb and Holley, to Ruidoso. We left Friday night and came home Sunday afternoon. We had a lot of fun. On Friday night when we got there we decided we would go to the Inn of the Mountain Gods to the casino and play some slot machines since none of us really gamble we figured that would be about the easiest thing. Well I went in there with $9 in my wallet and well I lost it all. But the good thing was it was over about 3 hours so thats not too bad to spend 9 bucks for 3 hours of entertainment because that's all that really is. None of us went in there hoping to hit the big bucks we just wanted to have fun. Me and Holley played the penny slots the whole time. Holley accidently hit the Max Bet button on one of the machines and we thought she had lost like 90 cents lol but she got lucky and won $40 so we decided it was time to quit. I think Justin broke even or maybe won a couple dollars and Caleb didn't win anything like me. We must not be very lucky I guess. So Saturday we slept in and then drove up to the top of the mountain where the ski slopes are and rode the ski lift and just kinda enjoyed the scenery. The ride up there wasn't too fun with all the curves and being way high but we all made it safe and sound. That afternoon we just kind of relaxed and went out to eat and then went bowling and played pool at a little bowling alley there. And when I say little I mean little, it made Clovis's seem huge! But it was a lot of fun, and I have to say me and Holley totally kicked the boys butt on the second game of bowling! After we played a lot of pool we decided to go to the Inn again and Justin was going to play Blackjack this time since one of our neighbors was there and knew all about it. Well we go in there and me and Holley are going to play our penny slots again while the boys did there thing and I made the mistake of wanting to be a high roller and play with $20 dollars this time. We were there for like 30 minutes and I was up 4 cents!! And then it all went down from there....I got caught being too young because you have to be 21 to gamble and I'm only 20 so they took my $20.04! And me and Holley went home after we talked the boys into staying so it didn't ruin their night too. Justin learned to play some blackjack and ended up winning like $100 so that was good since I lost almost 30 dollars. That was pretty much the extent of our weekend we just came home on Sunday and it was back to reality once again. We did have a lot of fun and it sure was nice to get out of the area for a while!

Me and Justin

Caleb and Holley

Having fun at the bowling alley

And the winners of the last game of bowling!!

Thanks Caleb and Holley for going with us!


Ok since we all know I'm not the best at blogging ya'll are going to get two in one today and it is not going to be in order either just to warn everyone. One is for today and the next will be from this weekend. First of all I can't believe that it is October 29 and it is snowing! Yes i said snowing, not raining, SNOWING! And did I mention it is October 29! I even have pictures to prove it. It is so pretty outside; I love it! Even though it would be nicer if all the hay was baled and we didn't have wheat pasture cattle already turned out and waiting to be turned out. Poor Justin. I got to stay home (where the heater is going) while he has to be out in this right now checking everything.
But this is what it looks like outside.

And this is how rough Griengo has it. He's been watching TV and sleeping all morning on his couch.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Christmas in October

Sorry for taking so long to blog, I warned everyone this would happen...we have been busy as usual. The past two weeks we've still been baling hay and then this past weekend it decided to just stay foggy and misty for a few days here and we decided to try to have a life so we did. Thursday I got to go shopping in Lubbock (Yay!) since I haven't been in quite a while. Friday night Justin took me on a date...he's such a sweetheart...we had not went out in forever so it was ssoooo nice! Then Saturday night we decided to go to Lubbock to see our friends Cale and Kalee and go out and eat and then go dancing which was very nice to get to hang out with them since we haven't got to see them in a long time. On Sunday night we went to our cousin's birthday party. She was turning 3 years old and was cute as a bug! As you can tell since we got the break we decided to use it and just do everything we could. Sorry I did not take any pictures during the weekend, I'm horrible at remembering to do that. Monday the weather cleared up and it was back to normal everyday life. We were able to get all the calves weaned and processed that day. Now to the good story...on Tuesday we traded my car in on a new pickup! I really liked my car but it was not very useful since it just could take me to school and that's about it. It can't really go through any fields or anything and so now we got a pickup so it can take me to school and do everything else I could possibly need to do and not feel like I'm going to get squished like a bug in it. It is so nice and comfy! It has the coolest thing in it, you can talk on the phone through the speakers through the bluetooth in my phone and that just amazes me lol. I absolutely love it if you couldn't tell!!
Good-bye Vanilla Ice (that was my Corolla's name)...
Hello Baby Red!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Snake! Run!...or Shoot?

I thought I would share a funny story that happened to us about two weeks ago. Well it all began when Justin wanted me to cut his hair...he's cheap and won't go to a real barber so I get nominated to do it. So we go outside and I get his hair all cut and he wants to go inside to make sure it looks ok since there's alot he can change about it now. Well all of a sudden I hear him screamin bloody murder, ok maybe not but he did kind of scream but more of a manly scream lol. He said, "Mikayla quick there's a snake in the house!" And I am thinking, "What? There's no way and if it is how'd it get in there and how long has it been there? Surely he's joking." Well I run and look in the door and sure enough there is this huge snake slithering down the hall and Justin is running in all sorts of directions and is yelling at me, "Quick, get my clip or 22 shells!" And I am like, "What your going to shoot it in the house?!?!" He is just yelling "Hurry before he gets away". So I run and get his shells still thinking maybe he's kidding but at the same time I don't really care because it's a snake and I hate snakes and especially do not want it in my house. So next thing I know I hear a shot go off and sure enough Justin shot it. Justin claims the snake was hissing at him so he just had to shoot the thing in the house haha! Well he did end up making a little hole in the carpet but it's not bad at least we got rid of the snake. We still are not sure how he got in the house. We're thinking it must have been through the door as we were going in and out getting ready to cut his hair.
Here's the hole in the floor see it's not too bad.

See it was a really huge snake yuck!

This is where Justin shot it in the head.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We finally broke down and started a blog...

I can't believe I'm doing this but me and Justin finally decided to start our own blog. We really enjoy reading other people's blogs so I guess we can write one too. I'm going to apologize ahead if I do not blog something every week, I'm going to try my hardest though.

Well I think I should probably start off introducing everyone to our crazy life. Me and Justin just got married April 18, 2009.

And since April we have been super busy. We farm and bale hay which keeps us pretty busy. During the summer when we weren't doing that we went to the lake quite a bit.

This is Justin skiing.

and this is me...I'm terrified, I am not a big water person. I just like to get a tan haha!

Summer has ended and I'm still going to school at Eastern and Justin has fend for himself on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. I get to help him after school and on the other days cuz we are super busy with haygrazer and Justin has been planting wheat too.

Wow I can't believe I almost forgot to introduce everyone to our two little ones. We have two dogs. Lexi who is a full grown Toy Australian Shepard and our puppy Griengo who is supposed to be a full size Australian Shepard, he's just kind of small right now for his age. We're waiting for him to hit his growth spurt.

This is Lexi.

and this is Griengo!

He only looks cute and innocent. He is a little terror right now, but I have to say he is getting better. He no longer draws blood on mine and justin's hands any more lol. (And by draw blood I mean one little drop, but it still hurts!) He likes Caprisun and loves pulling our straws out of our cups.

Well that's enough about Griengo, Lexi is like the perfect little dog. She has manners, does tricks, and does what you tell her to. She acts better than most people do. I'm sure Griengo will grow up to be a good dog too, we pray.

Well I'm curious to see how this posting turns out since I'm a first timer at this.