A cute picture of the little ones playing with new toys with Granny and Ryan trying out Shanna's new robe.
We still have a few more Christmas's to go to this year, we just barely got started. Christmas eve morning we are having Christmas with Pat and Donna. Then that night we have Christmas at Grandma Kay's (Justins other grandma) and also Christmas at Erith and Charolette's (my mom's side of the family). Christmas eve is going to be very interesting especially that night to figure out how we are going to plan all that. Then Christmas morning we get to have Christmas with my dad and sister and then that night have Christmas at Bruce and Roxanne's. Whew I got to take a breath now. Needless to say we are going to be Christmased out by December 26, but we can't wait. We're excited and even ready. We have all the gifts bought and they are wrapped and under the tree! I love wrapping gifts so I pretty much get them wrapped pretty quick after they were bought...plus I forgot to get a tree skirt so I had to do something so nobody would notice hehe.
For the past two months I have been working on our guestroom getting it painted and decorated. I know it shouldn't take 2 months to do that but it was always so easy to just shut the door and walk off when I got tired since I didn't have to look at that room everyday. This is how it turned out. 

I now love this room and really should have worked on some other rooms first like ours or the living room but oh well.
I like your guest room! I need to come over to your place and see your tree and everything else. You guys are going to be tired by the time Christmas is over. Thank goodness you dont have to worry about going to school right now! ha Looking forward to Christmas at our house on the 25th!!!!