Ok, Ok I know I have got way way behind again. We have been super busy since the last time I blogged so I will try to just let the pictures tell what has been going on. Here is finally a sneak peek at our new farm.

Our circle of wheat (Now it has almost completely turned so we will soon be cutting wheat!)

It not only rained in Nashville a bunch it rained here too! This is the bottom of our new place where the water all runs. It is actually really pretty when its calm right there.

This is Amigo our dog that stay up at the barn on our new place. Every time we drive up he is always waiting for us!

This is my little red Brangus baby! He is full Brangus and he came out red. I'm just really sad he's a he and not a she or I could have kept it :(
This is what we have been all the time since the last time I blogged. Rolling up a lot of hay! See all the bales in the background and yes Griengo helps.
We have seen a lot of these three tractors over the past month.

This was some of the biggest wheat we layed down. Griengo loves the wheat. He just leaps through it like a little deer.

On Justin's birthday, April 25, he got to rope at the Joe's Boot Shop roping. It was nice for him to get to do something he loves besides work all the time. I really like the above picture.

Meet Hoss! He is our new guard dog. He is a Great Pyrenese so he is supposed to get up to 170 pounds (we hope). Since Griengo was supposed to be our outside dog to protect us but now I guess he's our lap dog we decided this would work good at least he can just lay on the porch and look mean. He is actually a really sweet layed back dog. He reminds me of Eyore (on Winnie the Pooh) because he never gets excited. I wish I had uploaded another picture of him beside Griengo because he is only 10 weeks old and almost as big as him. Now before everyone thinks we're crazy dog people, just so you know Lexi has decided to move out and in with the grandparents so we only actually have two dogs living at our house.

This past weekend our friends Caleb and Holley got married and Justin was a groomsmen so we got to go on vacation and go to Guthrie, TX. It was a pretty fun weekend other than the fact it was 106 with a lot of humidity and the wedding was outside.

Us with our friends Tyrell and Emily at the rehearsal.

Justin does not wear his ring very much and since it was a wedding I talked him into it. He doesn't look very excited does he? But at least he puts it on without hyperventilating like my Uncle Bruce!
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! We have been to the lake twice already but I didn't get any pictures so hopefully the next time I will!