Monday, June 28, 2010

Crazy wonderful life

Lately any spare time Justin gets which is not very often, he goes flying. He's been working on his pilot's license. He has got to fly all the way to Colorado not too long ago with one of his friends whose been helping him get his hours. I didn't get to go but it sounds like he had a great time. He got to see some pretty country and Amish people which I was super jealous of because I have always wanted to see/meet some Amish people which may be kinda weird but oh well. This is the last plane he got to fly. And of course he didn't actually take a picture with it but this will do.Our little puppies have been up to no good as usual. Hoss is already bigger than Griengo as you can see below.

Hoss now has to wear a name tag aka an ear tag on his collar because his big brother Griengo likes to take him exploring and then leaves him behind so just in case he gets lost maybe someone can help him find his way home.

Hoss also has a swimming pool now as seen in the background of the next picture. He gets really hot so we put that out there for him and he LOVES it! He's already spoiled I know...
In the past couple weeks I got to take engagement pictures for two different couples getting married just a few days apart. The first ones I did are for our good friends Tanner & LaDonna. Justin and Tanner grew up together and now Tanner lives just down the road from us so it was a privledge to get to do there pictures. This is my favorite picture of them and LaDonna's son Austin. We got many great pictures but I'm not going to bore everyone with more.
Last night I got to take Justin's cousin Cody and his fiance Micah whom I have known my whole life too. They were such a fun couple. We also got tons of great pictures too but this is by far my favorite

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