and planting wheat and I've been going to school too!
But Griengo on the other hand has discovered his new favorite food....Jalepenos!
The other morning I was getting ready and let him in the house and he came running in here with something in his mouth and I was like "Oh great what is it?" Believe it or not it was a jalepeno! I guess he had got it out of the garden ha! Well he is now obsessed with jalepenos, it is quite funny!
And Hoss is still growing bigger than ever. He is starting to look more like a dog but I still think he is the cutest little thing!
This is as good as it gets of getting a picture of the two of them together!
Griengo is so tiny compared to Hoss!
Now, for the weird news. Last night at about 9:00 we were eating supper and Justin got a phone call saying that we had a calf out north of ten mile corner (for those who have no idea where that is, it is ten miles straight north of bovina and ten miles from rhea). Well we moved my cows and calves up to my dad's a week ago which is 15 miles away from this place fyi. So we are like there is no way that can be ours. Well sure enough we go up there and there he is dead on the side of the dirt road! I had just counted all of them the night before and he was there so it is weird he could have traveled that far by him self and leave his momma. That just isn't normal. We rushed up to my dads and found and counted all the cows and calves and he was the only one missing. On top of that he was my only red brangus calf I have ever had so now I'm kinda sad and its just a way weird coincidence that he was the one to leave by himself and then get hit! And why wouldn't someone call after they hit him when he had two ear tags in his ears with our phone number?? We are still puzzled over this whole thing. I think we watch too many crime tv shows too because last night all I did was dream about finding the killer of my baby calf! haha!
This is a picture from when he was a little baby. He was a lot bigger than that now!

On a better note, they are picking our green beans today :)
Oh no, not the red one. =( That is very weird that he was the only one that got out and went that far. So sorry.
ReplyDeleteOn a better note --- I hope your green beans turn out good! =)