I'm a little behind on blogging. We have been super busy the past couple weeks baling hay, but it actually rained us out and I have a little bit of free time so I'm updating my blog finally. And by raining us out, I mean like a tenth of rain. Maybe this week we'll actually get some, but thats a whole different issue. A couple weeks ago Jaycee got to go to her first swimming party. Our friends' little boy, Daltyn, turned 5 and had a swimming party. Jaycee actually kind of liked the water. It was so cold and I figured she'd hate it, but she actually kicked her feet even but thats about it.
Me and Jaycee with her little floaty.
She was still kind of small for it but it worked good enough. She must have liked the water because ever since she went swimming she has been splashing and playing in her bath at night; it's so cute!
At the park with Daddy after swimming.
Daltyn blowing out his candles!
Sorry I only had my little camera and it is not the best at taking pictures.
The next day we went to my Aunt Roxanne and Uncle Bruce's for the evening and got to hang out with my cousins - Elliot, Cherry, and Lofton, from Nashville. We were so excited to get to see them finally.
This is Jaycee's new smile. When she is super excited she just opens her mouth as big as possible, it is really cute!
Swinging in Lofton's big kid swing.
Watching Lofton play in the water.
Glad to finally meet cousin Cherry.
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