Found her a cute little lawn chair at Walmart the other day.
She loves it! Now to just figure out how to not let the wind blow it away!
Our pathetic attempt to take some 11 month pictures. I wanted so bad to take pictures in our wheat/triticale and Jaycee was kind of terrified. I think it was just too big and overwhelming, bad thing for pictures, but good thing for us :)
Making her indian noise before she got scared
The past week Jaycee has been developing skills that resemble that of Griengo's way too much. She has been carrying toys, or random things in her mouth as she crawls around the room. She even does this in her bathtub.
Silly Girl.
It is funny that we have a dog that thinks he's a human and now our child thinks she is a puppy. Oh my.
Random picture I have been meaning to post. She thinks she is obsessed with her pacifier. We are trying to wean her off it so she won't be a 3 year old with a paci. I'm planning on taking it away at a year. The only part I do not like is that since she was teething with her top teeth she started sucking her fingers again so I would rather her suck on the paci instead of her fingers. Currently she does not get it during the day unless she is in her carseat. So she knows that it is usually clipped to her seatbelt so she crawls over there and sucks on it for a while even though she can't move with it. It is quite funny.
-Talking nonstop (Just rarely says words we understand)
-Pulling up on everything and can stand with no hands at those objects, but I'm not sure that she has realized that she can
-Has graduated to the whole bathtub. No more little whale tub :(
-Has 6 teeth. 2 on bottom & 4 on top
-Loves to pull the files out of the file box
-Pulls every drawer open and gets things out
-Loves outside!
-Sleeps approx. 12-13 hours at night & takes normally two 2 hours naps
-Loves the baby calves
-Loves to hang her head out the window on the pickup
-Words she has said recently: N-go (Griengo), Santa, Ice Cream, Thank you, I Done, More, Uncle, Not really
-Can only go backwards in her walker
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